Gifts for Global Moms: Books and Resources from Guests of TGMS
The guests on The Global Mom Show thus far have been inspiring, engaging, and fascinating to learn from. Many of them have written books or have other resources to help moms like you who want to change the world, create a global home environment, teach their children about other cultures, or thrive in the expat experience. I’ve compiled a list of books and other resources you can give to moms who want to expand their worldview, raise multicultural kids, or simply make sense of things while living abroad. Good for the holidays and beyond, these gifts from my guests are great for any occasion.
Resources for Global Learning at Home
The Global Education Toolkit for Elementary Learners by Homa Sabet Tavangar and Becky Morales (Episode 1) Homa and Becky have compiled a fantastic resource for schools, teachers, and parents. Full of detailed ideas, activities, and projects to help foster global education at school or at home.
Growing Up Global by Homa Sabet Tavangar (Episode 8 and 9) This is a book every global mom should have on their bookshelf–or at the ready when looking for simple ways to incorporate global ideas into everyday life. From multicultural movie picks to inspiration to serve together to how to use food and celebrations to teach culture, this is a beginner’s guide to global learning, with enough information to keep the experienced multiculturalist happy as well.
Bringing Up a Bilinugal Child by Rita Rosenback (Episode 26) Rita takes a straightforward approach to language learning: it’s something you can do, you should do, and you should start now. She also believes that you simply can’t fail at teaching your child another language, because anything is better than nothing. Her Seven C’s of Multilingual Parenting will give you the support you need to get started and to see it through.
The Barefoot Book of Children by Tessa Strickland and Kate Depalma (Nancy Traversy on Episode 16) Barefoot Books is a publishing house with numerous books that teach diversity and inclusion. This new release is a gift to all the children of the world and encourages conversations about all the different ways we live, grow, love, and learn.
La Familia Cool by Dania Santana (Episode 12) This multilingual Spanish and English book helps Latino children understand their culture and multiculturalism. It touches on aspects of bullying and self -esteem as well.
A Book to Inspire You to Change the World
Global Girlfriend: How One Mom Made it Her Business to Help Women in Poverty Worldwide by Stacey Edgar (Episode 15) If you’ve ever been sickened by the plight of women in poverty around the world (um…who hasn’t?) then you will find this story by Stacey Edgar a welcome read. Stacey took her passion to help others and turned it into a business. She started a fair trade company before it became the cool thing to do, and her book shares the stories that helped keep her going. You can also find tons of wonderful fair trade gifts on the company website Global Girlfriend.
Books by and For Expats
Once Upon an Expat by Lisa Webb (Episode 4) Canadian expat mom, Lisa Webb, edited this anthology of stories from expats around the globe about their experiences abroad. If you want to feel that you are not alone in the crazy journey of cross-cultural living, this book is for you.
Slurping Soup and Other Confusions by Maryam Afnan Ahmed (Episode 10) Compiled by several expat mums, this activity book helps kids handle transitions they may be facing while moving from culture to culture. Using the Parent Effectiveness model, the authors guide children through ways of viewing and understanding their challenges and working through them effectively.
Knocked Up Abroad and Knocked Up Abroad Again by Lisa Ferland (Episode 21) These anthologies of birth stories from around the world will entertain and enlighten. From the quirky cultural differences to the more profound moments of motherhood, these stories written by expats take the readers through a variety of settings and situations into the most memorable moments of life abroad.
Career in your Suitcase by Jo Parfitt (Episode 20) Jo Parfitt has lived abroad for all of her career, and she’s learned how to take her career with her wherever she goes. She offers tips and tools necessary for women who find themselves in new situations every few years with a need to find sustainable, meaningful work. A great guide for expats wondering how to keep working while following a spouse abroad.
Multicultural Music
Songs for Merry Multicultural Mirth by Daria (Episode 14) Celebrate the season with songs from around the world to celebrate both Hanukkah and Christmas. Daria always brings a new perspective to old favorites as well as shares unknown but traditional songs from around the world. You can order on iTunes or download from Amazon.
To the get most out of what you read, you’ll want a place to take notes. Anne Bogel (Episode 18) offers a FREE downloadable reading journal for subscribers to her website Modern Mrs. Darcy. The journal is filled with bookish quotes, blank spots for recording thoughts, list pages for “books I want to read,” and more. Download the pdf, print it out, and have it bound at your local printshop as a great gift for you or a friend.
I’d love to hear what books you’ve read and enjoyed from this list, or what you are asking for on your own wish list this year. Join me in our Facebook Group to share gift ideas and talk about global living. And, if you are not on the email list, sign up to get regular updates, personal stories, and more links to fun things on the web.
*I will be updating the post periodically to add additional guest resources I think you would enjoy.
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